PFPMA Members,

This notice is to announce current vacancies on the PFPMA Board of Directors for both elected and appointed positions.  Please consider sharing your expertise and talents to help move the organization forward. All notices of interest must be received by Friday, January 21, 2022, 5:00PM EST. Board member vacancies are as follows:


  • Parliamentarian


  • Public Relations Coordinator
  • National Events Coordinator
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Assistant Secretary

The Parliamentarian should be knowledgeable of the By-Laws and Constitutions of the organization. She should know which parliamentary authority will rule the organization.

General duties:

  • Know parliamentary procedures
  • Ensure the correct procedures are used during meetings
  • Familiar with “Robert Rules of Order”
  • Explain the use of parliamentary procedures to all members of the organization
  • Know the organization’s By-Laws
  • Amend By-Laws and update Guidelines & Procedures as needed with a committee of 6 for By-Laws and 3 for Guidelines & Procedures
  • Present amendments to By-Laws and edits to Guidelines & Procedures to the Board for approval before presenting to the membership

SECTION 7.12 Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian practices the rights of people to join together to accomplish common goals and enable them to debate and take action in a fair manner with the least amount of controversy. The rules of Parliamentary procedures are based on common sense and logic. The Parliamentarian will follow PFPMA By-laws and Roberts Rules of Order.